User account validity for portal activation

Temporary user account validity time specifies the maximum time that activated local user account can be used starting from the activation time. Available Centero Carillon portal based temporary user account validity settings are configured to ServiceDesk\TemporaryAccountValidityTimes.xml file located on the Centero Carillon portal web site.

Items root element

XML file contains Items element where you can specify following settings:

  • Autoselect: Setting value to 'false' prevents any item to be automatically selected and therefore user needs select the desired item. If value is 'true' or not specified the item will be automatically selected following these rules:
    • If only one item available to user, it will be automatically selected
    • If multiple items available to user and one the items has 'Selected' set to 'true', it will be automatically selected
    • If multiple items available to user and no item with 'Selected' set to 'true' is available, first item will be automatically selected

Item elements

Item elements represents the available items. You can specify following settings to item elements:

  • Value: Actual value when item is selected. Allowed values are 0 to 9. Values are described below. (required)

0 = User account is valid for 1 hour

1 = User account is valid for 4 hours

2 = User account is valid for 8 hours

3 = User account is valid for 1 day

4 = User account is valid for 2 days

5 = User account is valid for 1 week

6 = User account is valid for 2 weeks

7 = User account is valid for 1 month

8 = User account is valid for 2 months

9 = User account is valid until computer next time can connect to Agent Gateway service

10=User account is valid for 6 months

11=User account is valid for 12 months

  • Visible: Setting value to 'false' hides the item. Value can be 'true' (default if nothing specified) or 'false' (optional)
  • Selected: Setting value to 'true' automatically selects the item following the rules described in 'Items root element' chapter. (optional)
  • Text inside the item element: Specifies the item text shown to user (required)

Example TemporaryAccountValidityTimes.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Items Autoselect="true">
    <Item Value="0" Visible="true">1 hour</Item>
    <Item Value="1" Visible="true">4 hours</Item>
    <Item Value="2" Visible="true">8 hours</Item>
    <Item Value="3" Visible="true" Selected="true">1 day</Item>
    <Item Value="4" Visible="true">2 days</Item>
    <Item Value="5" Visible="true">1 week</Item>
    <Item Value="6" Visible="true">2 weeks</Item>
    <Item Value="7" Visible="true">1 Month</Item>
    <Item Value="8" Visible="true">2 Months</Item>
    <Item Value="10" Visible="true">6 Month</Item>
    <Item Value="11" Visible="true">1 Year</Item>
    <Item Value="9" Visible="true">Until next gateway connection</Item>