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  1. Requirements

    Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL 2005 or newer Any SQL server edition is suitable Can be dedicated SQL server Sysadmin permissions to instance or empty database with db_owner permissions Minimum of 500mb free disk space for database files ...
  2. Generate activation code

    Activation codes allow users to activate temporary local user account on their computers for specified duration. Activation codes are created by service desk personnel and activation code it self will be entered to Carillon Client by the user reques...
  3. Infrastructure

    First you need to decide if you want to support device connected only to Internet or is Carillon service available only for device that have internal network connection (inside internal network or connected to internal network using remote access so...
  4. Centero Agent installation

  5. Implementation

    By default following order should be used when implementing Centero Carillon: Check and verify that requirements are fulfilled Install Centero Carillon Configure web.config Configure custom reports Configure temporary user account settings...
  6. Add Azure AD tenant

    Azure AD integration allows Carillon to target management rules directly to Azure AD groups and devices. When you create dynamic Azure AD group for your devices and then create Carillon management rules for this Azure AD group, your Azure AD connect...
  7. API

    Centero Agent Gateway REST API provides a unified programmability model that you can use to access the data in Centero Carillon service. This REST API is available in Centero Agent Gateway service component. Authorization Centero Agent Gateway Res...
  8. Portal installation

  9. Temporary account activation

    Carillon Client allows users to activate temporary permissions. Windows Vista and newer allows temporary user account to be activated using credential provider that is integrated to operating system for prompting elevated credential. For older Windo...
  10. General troubleshoot steps

    Use these generic troubleshooting steps to verify and detect what are causing most common problems. Perform on client Verify that Gateway address and Computer domain (computer domain must be computer NETBIOS name for workgroup or Azure AD joi...