General troubleshoot steps

Use these generic troubleshooting steps to verify and detect what are causing most common problems.

Perform on client

  1. Verify that Gateway address and Computer domain (computer domain must be computer NETBIOS name for workgroup or Azure AD joined computers and DNS name of the on-prem AD for AD joined computers) are correct in following registry locations (first location available is used by the client):
    1. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Centero\Agent
    2. HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Centero\Agent
    3. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Centero\Agent
    4. HKCU\SOFTWARE\Centero\Agent
  2. If Gateway Address or Computer domain are not correct then correct values must be set by manually editing registry or by modifying GPO targeted to computer
  3. Verify using browser that Gateway Address URL from step 1 can be accessed
  4. If Gateway address cannot be opened by browser verify DNS name resolving and network connection to URL
  5. Check if errors are logged to Windows Event Log to Application log from the client

Perform on IIS server

  1. Verify that IIS is up and running and all web sites and application pools are running
  2. Check logs on App_data folders of Centero Agent Gateway and management portal web sites for error reason
  3. Verify ConnectionString setting from web.config files in root of Centero Agent Gateway and management portal web sites
  4. Verify that connection to SQL database configured in ConnectionString setting can be opened from the server (DNS name resolving and TCP/IP connectivity check)

Perform on SQL instance

  1. If ConnectionString setting in step 3 of Perform on IIS Server is configured to use SQL authentication then verify that specified SQL login can access SQL instance, otherwise verify that user account running IIS application pools on step 1 of Perform on IIS server can access SQL instance
  2. Check SQL server instance logs for connection error reason
  3. Verify that database is up and running
  4. Verify that SQL login from step 1 has user in database and has rolePortal and/or roleGateway roles