Popular Articles

  1. Local temporary account

  2. Using activation code

    Centero Carillon temporary user account activation code can be used to execute action with specific local user account. Activation code can be used even when there is no connection to Centero Carillon environment. Contact your IT support to receive ...
  3. Self service configuration

    Self service temporary account activation validation is done on Centero Agent Gateway. Configuration that specifies users who can use self service temporary account activation are specified to Modules\Carillon\TemporaryAccountValidityTimes.xml fil...
  4. General troubleshoot steps

    Use these generic troubleshooting steps to verify and detect what are causing most common problems. Perform on client Verify that Gateway address and Computer domain (computer domain must be computer NETBIOS name for workgroup or Azure AD joi...
  5. Managed groups

    Managed groups allows you to create rules that specify which members should local groups have on target computer(s). Custom local groups that you want to manage must be first created to Centero Carillon before rules that control members on local gro...
  6. Agent Gateway Installation

  7. General

    Centero Carillon is tool for local permission management in Microsoft Windows environment. It is used to manage local group memberships and local user accounts. Centero Carillon consists of following components: Centero Carillon Portal (web appli...
  8. Portal administration

    Centero Carillon Portal is Microsoft ASP.Net application that is used to configure Centero Carillon database and read reports from database. Access to Centero Carillon Portal is restricted by default using local Windows operating system groups on th...
  9. Install IIS Features

    Use following PowerShell command to install required IIS features on Windows Server 2012 R2 or later Import-Module ServerManager Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server, Web-WebServer, Web-Default-Doc, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Static-Content, Web-Http-Logging,...
  10. Generate Activation Code

    Generate activation code for Carillon client. HTTP Request POST /generateActivationCode Request headers Header Value Authorization If required by Centero Agent Gateway configuration Key Authentication key if required by Centero...